What can I say, but I am over the moon excited as my living/dining room is finally finished. It only took 3 1/2 months! Now it wasn't as if we had to knock down walls, wallpaper or put down new floors or anything major, although Mr. P did have to fit a curved skirting board around the bay window (which had been missing for 10 years and was so very draughty, the skirting board that is, not the window, ha ha!).
It took forever to clean the dust out and then put anything back. It seemed to take ages, mainly as I am still coming to terms with only being able to do a little at a time.
So here are a few

The colour of the paint is Farrow & Ball's 'String'. Such a great colour, goes with everthing. I have in fact got this colour in my hall, stairs and landing and although I am not a snob as far as 'designer' products are concerned, this paint was very expensive, but it really can be scrubbed. With 3 GSDs and a grubby teenage son + mates, it really takes some punishment.
I have still not finished faffing though. Samplers to frame and some cushions to finish, I've also got to repair a set of topiary trees that sit on the heath which Mr. P broke.
So this has been the reason for my absence - also I had to finally sort out the dreaded cupboard under the stairs as I had to have a new gas meter fitted and my, even I was impressed at how much stuff was actually in there.
Mr P is now talking about decorating the kitchen. I think I might go and work on a Kibbutz for the summer.
Jak x